How to Make a Retro Stereo Cabinet

Making a Vintage Stereo Console

I’ve been wanting to make this retro stereo cabinet for a while now. I spend a lot of time in my basement shop working and wanted to have a turntable in there to play records but also protected from dust. It uses some basic butt joint construction done with loose tenons and made from cherry plywood. The turntable is enclosed with a hinged lid and the stereo component compartments have a removable grill cloth face to keep dust out but allow air circulation.

I did run out of time for a few final details because I’m taking for for a trip. I still need to add some pulls to the front grill faces and lid support or a kickstand to hold the top open while changing records. Once I get back and complete these tasks I’ll post pictures down below and update the steps.

If you make this stereo cabinet please tweet me some pics so I can share it with the world. Thanks for dropping by and as always be safe, be passionate and make something.

Tools and Supplies Used


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